Verizon is in Herges Capital’s direct investment universe
Stock Pricing Philosophy
With its cost- and tax-efficient investment approach Herges Capital invests in individual stocks from the U.S. and abroad. Subsequently avoiding fee-intensive mutual funds and even low-cost Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). Unlike with funds dividends are received immediately and continuously. Also ethical investment considerations can be expressed and realized.
The quantitative stock selection process aims for firms whose earnings are less likely to surprise negatively. The expectation being that over the long term a diversified portfolio of those carefully-selected picks yields a higher return than the general stock market.
Verizon (ticker VZ) is such top candidate in Herges Capital’s selection process.
Contact us for a free Consultation
Often an initial step for investors is to trustfully forward their latest broker’s statement for us to comment on. Common are also requests to recommend funds out of a 401k program. In both cases fees and sufficient diversification guides our reply.